Monday, May 30, 2011

the cliff effect

Theory: Now that a big thing is "done," you're faced with picking the next big thing. And you just spent all that effort on the last thing. It's daunting and the path is unclear; bad combo.

Also there's the anti-climax behind any big achievement.  After selling a company you don't feel as amazing as you thought.  After playing a massive stadium, bands often report feeling depressed, because they realize that "this is as big as it's going to get."
I think it's the cliff effect.  You push and push to accomplish something, and then the momentum falls right off a cliff.  Your daily sense of purpose (with respect to the event, company, etc) vanishes.  Most folks need a sense of purpose to drive them so when it's suddenly taken away the emotional effects can be negative.

One of to-do technics

I have ditched my to-do list, for a do list. I just write down what I am doing and check it off as soon as I'm done. If I begin to get distracted from my current task by a nagging thought of something I don't want to forget, I'll jot it down on the do-list quick, but get back to my task. And, then I either work on that nagging task next, or file it off into the proper queue. 

At the end of every day, I get to look at a DONE list. And then I write down the *one* thing I want to do tomorrow.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

компетенции/обязанности по ролям
[1:56:43 PM] Anton Maryukhnenko: Вот:

развивающие подкасты

[5:01:36 PM] Dmitriy Syrkin:
[5:01:55 PM] Lilia Vershinina: что я слушаю и могу с дорогой душой порекоммендовать - это deutsche welle, но я там уже все переслушала
[5:03:06 PM] Sergiy Movchan: тренды - гуглридер
языки обычные - блог мейнтейнера\основного комитера
языки человеческие - трындёшь с клиентами + просмотры сериалов\мультов в оригинале
профессиональное - гуглеридер + гугл по специфическим темам
культура - каюсь :( разве что кто-то что-то расскажет
[5:05:59 PM] Mykhailo Marchenko:
[5:06:10 PM] Mykhailo Marchenko: послабее немного
[5:06:33 PM] Mykhailo Marchenko: еще советую загуглить umputun и budam
[5:06:49 PM] Mykhailo Marchenko:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Максима для ПМэма.

в каждой шутке, только доля шутки.
Менеджер просто обязан индивидуально подходить к людЯм.